Replenishment Templates

In order to use the Replenishment system, you must set up one or more Replenishment Templates.

The Replenishment Template defines what should be calculated in the journal.

Using the Replenishment Type field, the Template specifies whether it should create Purchase Orders, Transfer Orders from a warehouse to the stores, or Transfer Orders between stores. The Replenishment system can have many Replenishment Templates for both order types.

Note: For Templates with the Replenishment Type set to Redistribution, more fields need to be set up as described below. For more details about this setup see How to: Set Up Redistribution Templates .


Field Description
Replenishment Type Here you can select whether the Replenishment Template is to be used for creating Purchase Orders or Transfer Orders. The selection Redistribution is used for Store Stock Redistribution.
Purchase Order Type This field has the following options:
  • One Purchase Order per Vendor (replenish warehouse)
  • One Purchase Order per Vendor with Cross Docking (replenish warehouse and store)
  • Purchase Orders for Receiving Locations (replenish store)

Purchase Journal - One Purchase Order per Vendor
By selecting One Purchase Order per Vendor, the system will create one Purchase Order per vendor for the lines in the linked Replenishment Journals. This Purchase Order Type is used for a two-step Replenishment, where Purchase Orders are created to replenish the warehouses by using a Replen. Purchase Journal. The replenishment of the stores is calculated in a separate Replen. Transfer Journal.

Purchase Journal - One Purchase Order per Vendor with Cross Docking
If you select One Purchase Order per Vendor with Cross Docking, the system will create one Purchase Order per vendor like in the previous option, but it will also create planned cross docking Transfer Orders, so that when the Purchase Order arrives at the warehouse, some of the items can be cross docked and sent directly to the stores that are waiting for them.

Purchase Journal - Purchase Orders for Receiving Locations
If you select Purchase Orders for Receiving Locations, the system will create Purchase Orders for the stores instead of the warehouse. This Purchase Order Type is used in scenarios without warehouse where vendors deliver directly to the stores. Items with very short durability (for example bakery products) are also often replenished directly to the stores instead of being delivered to the warehouse first and then forwarded to the stores.

Note: When Purchase Orders are created per vendor to replenish the warehouses, it is possible to create a separate Purchase Order for each destination location, by activating the Create Purchase Orders per Location field.

Create Purchase Orders per Location This option is available when the Purchase Order Type is set to One Purchase Order per Vendor or One Purchase Order per Vendor with Cross Docking. While the Purchase Orders are created to replenish the warehouses, when this field is activated, the system will create one Purchase Order per vendor and also per destination location.
Show Destination Information in Purchase Orders This option is available when Create Purchase Orders per Location is activated. It specifies if the information of the destination location will be shown in the General Comments field in the Retail Purchase Order. This field has the following options:
  • None
  • Destination No.
  • Destination Name
  • Destination Address

This information makes it easy to identify to which destination location the Purchase Order is created for.

In a multi-company replenishment environment, the information of the customer will be shown instead since the location resides in the sales companies.

Select Lowest Cost By This option is available when Purchase Order Type is set to Purchase Orders for Receiving Locations. It specifies if the system will group the total quantity by item or by item and location, to retrieve the vendor that is offering the lowest price. This field has the following options:
  • Item and Location
  • Item

This option only works when Select Lowest Price Vendor has been activated for the item.

For more detail about this setup see Replenishment Calculation With Lowest Price Vendor

Recalc. Vendor on Item Quantity Change This option is available when the Replenishment Type is set to Purchase. It specifies whether the system will automatically recalculate the lowest price vendor for the detail lines, whenever there is a change in the Quantity or Unit of Measure Code at the Journal Line level.

This option only works when Select Lowest Price Vendor has been activated for the item.

For more detail about this setup see Replenishment Calculation With Lowest Price Vendor

Transfer Journal If you enter Transfer in the Replenishment Type field, the Purchase Order Type will not be visible.
Location Code This field must always be filled in, unless Purchase Orders for Receiving Locations was selected as the Purchase Order Type.
Create Orders Automatically Do Not Create Orders Automatically
The system leaves the journal lines after the Replenishment Journal has been populated/calculated, and the buyer can then modify and manually create the order.

Create Orders Automatically
The system automatically creates the order once the journal has been populated.  This might be done when populating/calculating the journal by a Scheduler Job overnight.

Put Creation of Orders on Batch Posting Queue
Acts the same as Create Order Automatically, but the system creates a request in the Batch Posting Queue which will then create the order when it has reached the record in the queue. This would most likely be used if there are locking problems with the Create Orders Automatically method.


In the Replen. Template page you can set the filters you want to apply to the Item when you add items to the Replenishment Journals.

Filter Description
Vendor No. Filter This field specifies the Vendor Number that will be used to filter the items. An example of the value is 1000, if you only want to select items from the vendor number 1000. If you enter 1000...2000, the system will select all items from the vendor's number range from 1000 to 2000.
Item Division Filter This field specifies the item division that will be used to filter the items.
Item Category Filter This field specifies the item category that will be used to filter the items.
Retail Product Filter This field specifies the item product group that will be used to filter the items.
Item No. Filter This field specifies the item number that will be used to filter the items.
Store Group Filter This field specifies the store group that will be used to filter the locations.
Season Filter This field specifies season code that will be used to filter the items.
Replenishm. Calc. Type Filter This field specifies the Replenishment Calculation Type that will be used to filter the items. When you look up the value, the Replen. Select Filters page opens, you can select the Replenishment Calculation Types you want to use.
ABC Amount Filter This field specifies the ABC amount that will be used to filter the items. You can select from the available options: A, B, C.
ABC Profit Filter This field specifies the ABC profit that will be used to filter the items. You can select from the available options: A, B, C.
Item Hierarchy Filter This field specifies the item hierarchy that will be used to filter the items.
Item Hierarchy Level Filter This field specifies the item hierarchy level that will be used to filter the items.
Item Hierarchy Value Filter This field specifies the item hierarchy value that will be used to filter the items.
Special Group Code Filter This field specifies the special group code that will be used to filter the items.
Item Attribute Code Filter This field specifies the item attribute code that will be used to filter the items.
Item Attribute Value Filter This field specifies the item attribute value that will be used to filter the items.